Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Over the past month I have been participating in FatMumSlim's photo-a-day challenge. 

Each day we are challenged look at the world and capture it in our own way. The July 30th challenge was particularly inspiring. Friendship. And it came on a day when a few of us moms went out for a "moms night out" event hosted by out local library. It featured two mom bloggers that put together a book of essays written by more moms called I Just Want to Pee Alone. Super fun and hilarious. 

    My photo of the day for friendship. 

Friends are a necessity in my life. And until recently I was lacking. Since I've become a mother I have found so many new and amazing friends. Friends that are going through what I am: Motherhood. That common bond between us is something that connects us and binds us in a time when we need support the most. 

After high school I moved to CA and then to NYC and easily made some amazing friends, friends that I will have the rest of my life and (shoot me for saying this) thanks to Facebook we are easily connected over state lines and can stay in fairly close contact. But when I moved back making friends was harder than I ever imagined. Of course I had my high school friends, but they had all moved on and made their own friends and although we still saw each other that closeness was pretty much gone because of the time that had passed. They had made new friends and I needed to do the same. Lawrence is a fairly small community, but making friends was hard. I was working a job with two middle-aged people so the work outlet was a bust. I wasn't in school and I was out of options. Its not like I'm a leper or anything, I just wasn't in a position to create friendships. There's this weird place that folks get in when they're grown that you meet someone cool and want to hang out with them, but don't know how to start it up. You feel like "hey I know we just met, but I think your cool, and I would like to be friends with you" and its like dating. Do you ask for their number? Heck no! That's weird. These days you find them on Facebook and can start something that way. But up until I had the babe, I was complaining to my hubby about how much I missed my coastal friends and why could't I find people like them in the town I loved the most?!

Enter Charlie...

...over the course of my pregnancy I started meeting new people and we immediately had a common tie to share with one another. We had questions for each other, and wanted to know if we were doing the right things and our insecurities relinquished. Finding friends was so easy! I now have an arsenal of women that I truly love and admire and want to spend quality time with. I must say how good it feels again to have new exciting women to talk to, commiserate with, chat about recipes, and just plain laugh with. Then I figured it out! Its a secret society that's not a secret at all, its more a right of passage: Motherhood. Motherhood brings women together faster than you can say free wine! Its the ultimate club that you belong to once you have bore a child into the world. Okay, it sounds terrible to say. I have friends that I hold extremely dear that don't have children, but I know they will, and even if they don't, that won't change the fact that we have an awesome friendship, its just a different kind. The mommies club is one that is entered because of blood, sweat, and tears.

My life is so much better because of the company I keep. Its an added bonus that when that company has a kid to keep my kid company so my company and I can have a good old time.

Darn tootin'!

PS I would like to note that my mom is my bestest gal and I can't let that go without saying. Love ya mom. 

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