By profession I am a seamstress, crafter, and believer in an open
mind when it comes to customers and their special projects.
Stitchouse, my company was started when my husband Ryan
and I decided to have a baby. It was very important for me
to stay home with the baby and with the price of child care
being so high I would be working just to pay for it. Living in
Lawrence Kansas with a Fashion Degree I had to get creative.
Being a stay work from home mom has been great, but with
Ryan in school and working a super cool, yet extremely low
paying job times have been tough. I have never found myself
so broke in my entire life, but I have never felt so rich in love
and happiness either. My new phrase is Broke, but nor poor.
So being the broke early thirties woman, wife, and mother I have
learned to get crafty. We are on food stamps (which kick ass BTW)
and have learned to make certain sacrifices, but in no way would
I say I feel deprived of anything. I have a loving family, a beautiful
home, cuddly pets, fun friends and a fabulous customer base.
Money in the bank is the only thing I could possibly need.
It's okay to struggle because it gives you perspective on what you
truly need. Growing up with most everything I wanted this has been
an adjustment, but I am really learning the value of a dollar and
how to stretch it.
This blog is about crafts, food, lessons, and all the other stuff
I enjoy and maybe you do too.
Let's get started...
Here's a little home project I did for baby Charlie with the help
(as usual) from my dad.
Yes, you may have seen something like this on Pinterest,
that is in fact were I nicked the idea. They are the most
coveted Bekvam shelves from Ikea that are only $3.50/pc.
What I have done here though is applied them to a board
three long and applied the entire piece to the wall. This
was a sure fire way to A) get the shelves perfectly aligned
and B) to ensure they were screwed into studs for maximum
sturdiness! Not super tricky and I feel it gets the shelves
away from their spice rack looking (because they are) origin.
I painted them a neutral salmon color because it matched
the Charlie window frame picture gallery.
On that note of sturdiness I have recently heard a sad story
involving a 3 year old girl getting killed by her very own
dresser falling on her. I took that as a sign to get large wobbly
objects like dressers and out TV stand bolted to the wall.
We have just recently gotten a new flat screen TV (I know
I'm suppose to be broke right?! NFM no interest for 36 mo)
which sets upon an old yet quite lovely TV stand my dad
made back in the day. Because it is on carpet the whole thing
proved to be a bit unstable if some sweet unsuspecting child
comes a walkin' and a rockin' and pulls the whole thing down.
So I noted the small drill whole in the TV's plastic stand and
screwed it to the wooden stand and then used L brackets and
drilled it to the wall where the studs were of course. After
getting a new drill for Christmas I was quite pleased to have a
project to do!
Bosch PS20-2A 12V Max Cordless Lithion-Ion Pocket Driver
I used this drill at the picturing framing shop I worked at and
it is by far THE best drill I have ever known (and I have known
a few). It is compact, but man does this thing have power! And
it has a back up battery and charger. So you are never without
power. It is heavy duty, yet small. It is like Secret deodorant
"strong enough for a man...but...for a woman"
Well folks that is all for now, but I'll keep it coming!
With this new year fresh as a daisy there's all sorts
of promise here and with you. I will try my best to keep
you interested and coming back for more!
Ta Ta for now!